Big Ag & Big Pharma Make You Sick
RFK Jr. is now the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. His task to Make America Healthy Again will be fiercely opposed by Big Pharma, Big Ag, Congress and the media.
The day RFK Jr. was appointed as Secretary of Health and Human Services Department (HHS), he hit the ground running. Interviewed by Laura Ingraham he cited a study never officially recognized because of foot-dragging by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is a part of his Department.
In that study Harvard collected more than three years of data on 715,000 patients and concluded less than 1% of Covid vaccine adverse effects were recorded by the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That was “inexcusable” Kennedy said.
Laura Ingram asked, “Do you think the COVID vaccine was safe? And the boosters were safe?” In reply Kennedy said, “In 2010, the CDC had a surveillance system called VAERS, and it’s supposed to pick up injuries. But the CDC did a study of that system in 2010, and that study said -- and this is a published study by the CDC -- that it captures less than 1% of vaccine injuries. That’s inexcusable. Congress, the Institute of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences have repeatedly ordered the CDC to put together a better vaccine reporting system. And we will do that right away.”
Kennedy intends to clean out HHS and its health agencies that include the FDA, CDC, and NIH. They have conspired with pharmaceutical companies for decades to make America the sickest rich nation in the world. Big Pharma won’t take that challenge to its profits by lying down.
Kennedy’s tasks in HHS will echo the tale of Hercules and the Augean stables. In that legend, Hercules diverted a river to wash out the vast piles of manure that had accumulated in the stables. The river Kennedy needs to divert in order to clean out HHS is the American public’s understanding of what they must do – and must not do – to regain their health. To do that, he must educate his fellow citizens about the true nature of prescription drugs and vaccines. And THAT is something Big Pharma does NOT want you to see. It will oppose those facts by mobilizing its control of mainstream media and Congress.
The life-saving education that Kennedy will deliver to Americans will include:
· Cancelling the CDC recommended vaccination schedule for newborns and children.
· Helping states cancel their vaccine mandates for state schools.
· Encouraging states to end putting fluoride in their drinking water.
· The connection between pesticides, herbicides and cancer.
· Encourage use of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole in the treatment of vaccine caused turbo cancers and other diseases.
· Give the public the statistics for Guardasil deaths and disabilities and end CDC recommendations for its use.
· The cause of those fibrous white clots that are creating a growing global surge of deaths and disabilities.
· The cause of the incredible tsunami of turbo cancers.
· The cause of rapidly growing global excess deaths.
· The cause of the growing level of female reproductive organ disease.
· The cause of heart disease, like myocardia, in very young Americans.
The list is endless.
You and I know “the cause” of the list of medical mysteries that seems to baffle the legion of doctors, medical researchers, medical schools and institutions that Big Pharma supports. We know the cause was, and is, the Covid mRNA “spike protein” vaccine that smiling Bill Gates assures us is “safe and effective.”
Growth Of Autism
Add autism to the list above. That rare disability unknown 40 years ago, before mandatory vaccination of infants and children, and before the CDC recommended vaccine schedules for schoolchildren.
Autism rates in the United States indicate the direction of other childhood chronic diseases and disabilities:
Childhood Vaccine Schedules
1983 10 vaccinations
2012 32 vaccinations
2022 74 vaccinations
Autism at Birth Rate
1983 1 in 10,000
2012 1 in 88
2022 1 in 36
2025 1 in 2 (estimated)
Then there is the U.S. cost of autism care that is projected to reach $589 billion per year by 2030, $1.36 trillion per year by 2040, and $5.54 trillion per year by 2060 if nothing is done to prevent that disability. Those predictions come from a study published in 2021 in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The study was retracted in 2023 by the publisher and editor – they had concerns with the writers’ “methodology.” It was then peer-reviewed and republished in 2023 by Science, Public Health Policy and the Law.
Why that strange dance? Because the report disagreed with the deeply held belief of autism research and treatment industries that continue to sidestep the staggering increase of autism cases at birth. Instead, they believe autism is a genetic disease that has nothing to do with the victim’s environment – including vaccinations. Do you think their concern with business profits has anything to do with their business beliefs?
Congress Is Owned By Big Pharma
Will Congress help Kennedy as he unravels the autism “mystery?” Not very likely, especially when one looks at the money Big Pharm and the healthcare industry gives to our senators.
Non-partisan provides this current chart of Big Pharma donations to selected Senators, along with other donations from the rest of the medical industrial complex.
You can see the totals for senators like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren far exceed media reports. The pill-pushing beast doesn’t want their slavish media to embarrass Big Pharma’s Senate shills.
OpenSecrets data for contributions to Representatives up for election in 2024 is not collated for each representative, but the total for all candidates up for election was $15,158,936 – a huge sum that reinforces the growing belief that Big Pharma bought Congress many years ago.
Disabilities And Life Expectancy
In an interview by Joe Rogan, Dr. Casey Means recited a list of what ails us:
• “74% of Americans are overweight or obese.”
• “Young adult cancers are going up 79% in the last 10 years.”
• “25% of men, now, under 40 have erectile dysfunction.”
• “50%, now, of American adults have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. These were diseases where there was 1% of Americans in 1950 had type 2 diabetes. Now it's 50% of Americans have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.”
• “Alzheimer's and dementia are going through the roof.”
• “Young adult dementias have increased, like, three times since 2012. So have early onset dementias.”
• “One in two Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime now -- one in two.”
• “One in 36 children has autism now, in the United States. That was one in 150 in the year 2000.”
• “In California, where I live, autism rates are one in 22. One in 22 with a lifetime neurodevelopmental disorder.”
• “Infertility going up 1% per year.”
• “77% of young Americans can't serve in the military because of obesity or drug abuse.”
• “Autoimmune diseases. Some studies are saying they're going up 13% per year.”
• “Heart disease, which is almost totally preventable, is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing around 800,000 people per year.”
And RFK Jr. is on record as saying, “60% of our people are sick.” He could have added, “Big Pharma is not the only one to blame – Big Ag is to blame too.”
Not only are Americans paying more per capita for healthcare than any other rich nation, our life expectancy is falling
In every UN survey of global life expectancy the U.S. comes in last – and our life expectancy numbers keep dropping. Not only are we dying early, we’re dying sick. The disabilities of the U.S. labor force (16 to 64 year-olds) are shooting through anyone’s idea of a ceiling.
Battles are underway in eight American farming states where pesticide companies are trying to get laws passed that will block claims against them.
Draft bills are circulating in more than 20 states, backed by a wave of pesticide companies advertising their support for those proposals. The fight is fierce now in Iowa, where opponents call the pesticide companies proposed law the “Cancer Gag Act” because of the extraordinary high levels of cancer in Iowa that many believe are linked to the state’s use of pesticides. The state of Iowa has the second-highest rate of cancer cases in America and the fastest-growing cancer rate.
So Kenya’s government gets it. The newly appointed Minister on Agriculture is speaking while holding a Bible -- Kenya is a Christian country. The problem he doesn’t understand is that pesticides, herbicides, and the Covid vaccine are still used in America.
In fact, American taxpayers are projected to spend more on healthcare in 2023 than ever -- $4.7 TRILLION. That outpaces the projected annual gross domestic product growth rate of 6.1%. And despite that huge increase, 5.4 American babies died for every 1,000 born. For comparison, Norway had 1.6 babies die for every 1,000 births.
We are somewhat dead while we’re still alive – and Big Ag is adding to our agony.
Big Ag Makes You Sick – Invisibly
(Ashley Armstrong, co-founder of Angel Acres Food Club, published an article on Children’s Health Defense. Some of the images in her article are republished in this article. If you want to read her article, click here.)
Four companies involved in agriculture, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, and Corteva, dominate global farming. Bayer alone controls almost 20% of the global agricultural chemicals market and, with Corteva, controls more than 50% of U.S. seed sales for major crops. Those four companies also control 70% of America’s pork-packing, 85% of meat-packing and 95% of the intellectual property involving corn. They are major players in Big Ag and, together with Big Pharma, are responsible for the chronic diseases that are ruining the health of 60% of our citizens.
How do they do that? Big Ag mimics Big Pharma by creating farmers that are dependent on buying fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that ruin cropland. Big Pharma creates people that are dependent on medicines that treat their symptoms -- instead of on systems that will cure their diseases.
An example of how Big Ag and Big Pharma overlap is Bayer, a German conglomerate with 340 companies operating in 80 countries. Before Bayer bought Monsanto it was a member of Big Pharma, selling consumer health products and drugs. After Bayer bought Monsanto, a giant in agriculture, Bayer became a member of Big Ag as well as Big Pharma!
We now understand how Big Pharma is profiting from doing damage to America’s health, so let’s look at what Big Ag is doing to make us even sicker. As we take a shallow dive into farming, remember one thing -- food is now being produced using pesticides and herbicides in ways that sabotage our health and keep us dependent on Big Pharma’s drugs.
Farmland Soil Destroyed For Big Ag’s Profits
In her article for CHD, Ashley Armstrong compares human gut biome to soil biome. She uses this graph to illustrate what will inevitably happen if a farmer does not use regenerative farming practices.
Organic And Regenerative Farming Practices
Organic and regenerative farming practices aim to restore degraded soils and improve farm productivity and, therefore, profitability. Regenerative farming practices include no-till or reduced-till farming, rotational grazing, mixed crop rotation and cover cropping. These practices will lead to other crops being planted after a harvest to maintain soil health and prevent pest infestations. Adding manure and compost to the soil will also enhance its fertility.
Some farmers who practice regenerative agriculture often stop tillage and instead plant seeds into the residue of the previous crop. That increases organic matter in the soil and reduces erosion. Those farmers also integrate livestock and plant multiple crops together -- known as intercropping. That also helps biodiversity and soil health. Additionally, regenerative agriculture promotes the use of perennial crops and cropping system diversity to enhance soil resilience and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
You don’t think the average Amish or Mennonite farmer can do all that? The Mennonite farmers drive for 4 hours from Pennsylvania to be ready for our farmer’s market when it opens at 7:30. They bring with them their foods that include eggs (they haven’t failed yet), breakfast breads, milk, and frozen meals. They are always cheerful -- even when it’s raining.
The matronly woman on the ladder below is telling us that if we disobey along with RFK Jr. -- WE WILL SURVIVE!
Wipe that smile off his face with a meat hook and piano wire, hang him high and show the world how we deal with serial killers