Is Bill Gates Putting Vaccines Into Chemtrails?
A whistleblower pilot has revealed the noxious substances in chemtrails we see in our skies. He also says chemtrails contain mRNA vaccines, and Bill Gates is committing that crime against humanity.
It is long past time to identify the people who created the UN, WHO, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and all the other global and national organizations dedicated to creating a one-world government. In Jacob Nordengard’s superb book, Rockefeller, Controlling the Game, he does just that. His extremely well referenced book names the Rockefeller family as the prime mover of the Climate Change hoax and the plan to vastly reduce the world’s population.
The Climate Change Hoax
Elizabeth Nickson, in her Substack site Welcome to Absurdistan, draws the outline of what the Rockefeller family accomplished to further their plans to put the world in chains. She wrote:
“The Rockefellers have created 990 Climate Change activist organizations. They give them directions, financing, and launched them on the world. The Green Movement was started, financed, organized, and militarized by the Rockefellers. By the late 40’s the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50’s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea, as below:
“Man is now degrading his environment at a terrifying rate. The cumulative effects of advancing technology, massive industrialization, urban concentration, and population growth have all combined … not only to create imminent danger to the quality of human life, but even to pose threats to life itself. Rockefeller Foundation, 1969 Annual Report.”
Nickson added: “By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperiled. Any university department not working towards this one artificial goal was in danger of being marginalized. Infiltration had begun into every media organization, every entertainment division of every major corporation. This, as stated below, would be a generational goal. For everyone. Or get off the bus.”
Thanks to Nordangard’s book, we now know the origin of the global warming hoax – it’s the Rockefeller family (plus some assists from the Rothschild family and a few other oligarchs.)
But what about “Population Control,” the other part of the Rockefeller vision of a Brave New World? How do they intend to get rid of the billions that the World Economic Form (WEF) guru Yval Harari calls “useless humans?”
The Global Population Reduction Plan
By the late 1990’s, the vast Rockefeller fortune (the amount has always been kept secret) was being overshadowed by the greater fortunes of today’s techno-oligarchs.
Author Nordangard writes: “Apart from the activities of (their) Population Council, population was no longer an open priority for the Rockefeller Foundation’s development program. Instead the foundation’s close partner, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has taken over and became a leader in this field with its “soft” fertility-reducing methods in the form of vaccination programs, strengthening of women’s positions, and the spread of contraceptives in developing countries.”
Bill Gates was involved with the Rockefeller family ever since he made his first billon, but in the late 1990s the Rockefellers decided they would continue to work on the global warming hoax and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation would have to deal with depopulating the planet. A great proponent and investor in vaccines, Gates was happy to take his task to unimagined heights by his support of Covid vaccines that attack a woman’s reproductive organs and are causing excess deaths, the surge of sudden deaths, and diseases like turbo cancer and organ failure.
I wrote about how many of us will die as a result of the Covid vaccines in an article called The Killing of America. If you missed it, you can read it here.
That article examines the Deagle website prediction that the United States will have a 70% population reduction by 2025, from 327 to 100 million. Similar predictions were made for massive reductions in Canada, Australia, Europe and the Middle East nations. Even with their endless promotion of the deadly Covid vaccines here and abroad, how could the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation possibly hope to wipe out so many people?
Is Bill Gates Putting “Air Vax” In Chemtrails?
Whistleblower pilots have revealed that Bill Gates is spraying what they call “Air Vax” on the United States and Europe by including an mRNA vaccine in chemtrails!
According to declassified documents, the Army tested chemtrails on the unsuspecting people of Texas during the 1950s and 1960s Cold War. That established the use of secret tests using chemtrails to deliver airborne chemicals directly into to the lungs of unsuspecting Americans. Bill Gates has also done research on inhaled vaccines in order to make them “easier to deliver and more effective.”
The whistleblower pilots say the Air Vax chemtrail project is being done with Defense Department knowledge, and that the people involved in that project are told they are fighting Climate Change. The plan includes spraying mRNA vaccines on urban populations and rural areas that have had a low vaccine uptake.
That is happening because the globalist elitists involved in population reduction, like Bill Gates, are finding it difficult to convince us to take more mRNA vaccine shots and the endless boosters. They had to find a new way to force mRNA vaccines on us. In other words, if you and your city and rural country neighbors have tended to avoid injections of mRNA vaccines, Bill Gates and the Pentagon will deliver it directly to your lungs. Without your consent.
You can see and hear the testimony and revelations of the whistleblowers and other experts here.
(Unfortunately the video is interrupted by commercials. If you want to learn about self-constructing nanobots in mRNA vaccines -- keep watching!)
The Depopulation Goal of the Billionaire Cabal
The mysterious Georgia Guidestones give the answer to the question posed by the WEF guru, Yuval Harari: “This, perhaps, is going to be the big question in the 21st century. What to do with billions of useless humans?”
The massive Guidestone monoliths were created and erected on an unknown date by an unknown organization. They are a declaration of the need for a monstrous reduction of the world’s population. The Guidestones were destroyed by unknown persons on 6 July 2022.
On the Guidestone’s surfaces were engraved a set of ten commandments:
1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Those ten commandments were in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Sanskrit , Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, as if the demonic creators of the Guidestones were uncertain of what major languages would survive after what they will do to us under their first commandment – which is to reduce the world’s population to 500 million people.
Apparently the answer to Yuval Harari’s question, “what to do with the billions of useless humans,” is to kill 7 billion people.
One supposes that if the 500 million survivors will be needed to work for the oligarch elite, they would be much easier to control in cities and enclaves where they could be under constant surveillance and fed fake food and bugs.
Where would those remaining 500 million live?
Prison Cities
When the population of all countries of the world are slaughtered down to a number that suits the one-world government the ruling elites envision – say 500 million? – the remainder will be housed in a few cities like Songdo in South Korea or Culdesac in Arizona.
Songdo city is described by Jacob Nordengard in his book: “Traffic flow and citizen behaviour is monitored in real-time via five hundred surveillance cameras. Household waste is automatically transported via the pneumatic system under the city and converted into energy. All apartments have smart locks, with smart cards which can also be used for loaner bikes, parking, subway, and movie tickets. All apartments have smart meters (enabling residents to compare their energy consumption with that of their neighbors) and built-in cameras everywhere. Floor sensors detect pressure changes and automatically alert an alarm service of a suspected fall. Systems are tested where residents via the TV screen can receive language lessons or communicate with their physician as well as neighbors and relatives, and bracelets for locating children via GPS.7 In other words, a futuristic dream straight out of the World Future Society’s 1970s vision—or Orwell’s 1984. And this is South Korea. How successful, environmentally friendly, and inclusive Songdo really turned out to be has been questioned. It was built primarily for an affluent middle class expected to be able to afford the higher standard and the new technology. The electricity comes from coal-fired power plants and the buildings are completely glazed with windows that cannot be opened, which requires air conditioning all year round. Also, the pneumatic waste disposal system does not always work properly. As of March 2018 there was still no cultural life, no street vendors or old people, public transport systems was described as a “nightmare” and three-quarters of the homes were still empty.”
On the other hand, Culdesac is more likely than Songdo to reflect the plans of the oligarchs for towns to house the remainder of the world’s population – at least in the formerly rich countries like the United States. Culdesac is an enclave inside the city of Tempe, Arizona, and is on a modest scale more suitable for a prison city.
The Culdesac enclave touts itself as a “no car zone” and has some of the amenities of Songdo. Residents get 15% off all Lyft rides, free & discounted Waymo rides, free rides on the metro, and Bird scooters are minutes away. The surveillance cameras, digital banking, social scoring and the Internet of Things will come later.
The Culdesac photo is by Rebecca Noble of Bloomberg
We are now witnessing the greatest crime against humanity in the history of the world, and the billionaire elite and their co-conspirator three letter agencies are is doing it right before our eyes. All their plots and plans are designed to destroy the United States because without America, the keystone, the rest of western civilization will collapse and become easy prey.
And what will the oligarchs do while we eat fake food and bugs in our prison cities? Among other things they will be living in huge elegant bunkers on islands they have bought, and cruising on yachts like Zuckerberg’s “Launchpad.” It is a $300 million 387 foot long monstrosity with four huge diesel engines. Don’t worry about the carbon emissions, that hoax will be over long before the victorious oligarchs begin frolicking on our graves.
Zuckerberg’s new $300 million yacht “Launchpad”
Citizens of some countries are finally waking up to the dreadful threat posed by the Pentagon and the agencies that are supporting people like Bill Gates. Even the Bulgarians are aware of the growing menace when they paint this poster on a passenger train.
Americans are also learning the truth about the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates and the others. Will we resist? Will we bring those who are committing the most enormous holocaust in human history to justice for their crimes against humanity? Or will we meekly crawl into the future described in the book, 1984?
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever.” George Orwell
I'm relieved you posted this on Sunday Mr. Nagle, taking in your article without a strong dose of Jesus may have been depressing. I was going to say 'thanks' but I'll simply say good article and to readers 'take heed'.