PENTAGON: Germ Warfare Labs Around The World
In 1969 President Nixon ordered the Department of Defense to stop all research into germ warfare. The Pentagon ignored the order and secretly continued. The Russians just proved that story to be true.
In February this year I posted an analysis of the Deep State and biological warfare. If you missed it, you can read it by clicking here.
I even wrote a fact-based novel about how Iranian terrorists could kill Washington D.C. with anthrax spores. That book, The Woolsorters’ Plague, is available on Amazon.
In the post titled, The Pentagon and CIA Germ Warfare Program I show a Department of Defense map of 25 biolabs funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $2.1 billion program called “Cooperative Biological Engagement Program.”
The Pentagon cheerfully admits to creating those labs (including the one in Communist China) because it claims they are not creating deadly germs for offensive biological warfare. Instead, it claims their labs are only engaged in defensive germ warfare, and are creating antidotes to biological weapons an enemy might use on the United States. If you believe that, I also have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Other maps show us where the eleven bio labs built by DRTA are (or were) located in Ukraine.
Under Secretary of State Toria Nuland, a key architect of the meat-grinder war in Ukraine, said to the U.S. Senate in 2022, “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops and Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.”
If that statement is true, then some of those labs are now Russian property.
An interesting note to the Pentagon’s argument that all their bio labs are conducting defensive biological research came in 2015. During that year reporters for USA TODAY found more than 200 high-containment lab facilities in all 50 states and the District of Columbia operated by government agencies, universities, and public and private companies. The reporters wrote, “They're scattered across the country from the heart of New York City to a valley in Montana; from an area near Seattle's Space Needle to just a few blocks from Kansas City's Country Club Plaza restaurant and shopping district.”
The Pentagon again assured us that those high containment labs are for defensive purposes only. A few days ago the Russian Ministry of Defense, an organization that appears to have a much better intelligence capability than we have, took the tarp off that pile of horse manure.
Russia Exposes Pentagon Germ Warfare Program in Africa
The following material is taken from a post on X by Sputnik. To read that post click here.
The X post details a briefing by Major General Aleksei Rtishchev, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, that highlights U.S. biological research activity in Africa. In the briefing he states, “The US administration views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medical drugs.”
The General then commented on slides he presented that showed clients of the Pentagon’s biowar labs, sponsors of those labs, and U.S. officials involved in the program -- including the officials of some African nations.
U.S. Clients of African Biowar Laboratories
(Explanatory comments in parentheses are my own)
American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating in Africa. (Those specialists are conducting “gain of function” experiments to increase the lethality of dangerous pathogens, much like the work Dr. Fauci sponsored in the Chinese Wuhan high containment laboratory.)
The Russian Defense Ministry has unveiled which officials from the United States and various African nations are involved in the implementation of military biological programs on the African continent.
U.S. Officials and African Nations Aid the Program
The US administration views the region as an abundant reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medications.
Washington is employing a biological risk management system in Africa, which has previously been tested in Georgia and Ukraine.
The following are sponsors of these biological activities including, but not limited to, the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation.
Sponsors of the African Biowar Program
(As General Rtishchev notes, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a sponsor of the Pentagon’s germ warfare project in Africa along with the Clinton Foundation, the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, The Global Fund, and others. Those sponsors are among the well-known monsters that profited from lockdowns and federal funding for the man-made Covid pandemic.)
The US is actively engaged in:
Nigeria: A joint medical research center and a military medical laboratory for the armed forces were established in 2024.
Kenya: The US Army Military Medical Center has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases throughout Equatorial Africa.
Senegal: A new $35 million laboratory facility is nearing completion. This project involves the same Pentagon contractors that have worked in the former Soviet Union, including Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
Ghana and Djibouti: The US has established branches of the National Naval Medical Center and is actively addressing natural disease outbreaks and isolating pathogens.
The United States is conducting a project in 18 African countries to study the characteristics of infection occurrence and the resistance of pathogens to medical treatments.
Washington is deliberately exploiting the economic challenges faced by African nations in healthcare to organize research schemes.
Rtischev noted that the U.S. fears Russia and China may expose American military and biological programs. The United States often does not disclose the ultimate goals of its experiments to its partners, who are frequently unaware of the associated risks to their populations.
Contractors of the African Biowar Program
Courtesy of the Russian Ministry of Defense we now know that Big Pharma and depopulation oligarchs like Bill Gates are working hand in hand with the Pentagon to create and operate a group of biological warfare labs in Africa. As is surely being done in the Wuhan laboratory in China, the complex of labs in Africa is working to make deadly African pathogens, like Ebola and Marburg, even more deadly with their gain of function experiments.
In 1969 President Nixon, acting as commander-in-chief of American armed forces, ordered the Department of Defense (DoD) to immediately end work on offensive germ warfare. The Pentagon simply ignored that order and carried on with their black projects, keeping the White House in the dark.
Last month, on 17 November, the Department of Defense failed its 7th consecutive audit! The Pentagon admitted that it could not account for $824 billion – almost a trillion dollars! Over the past 7 years, could DoD have spent trillions of dollars on black projects that they don’t want to reveal to the American taxpayer? Or Congress? Or the president? Of course they could. Of course they did. What other dishonorable and illegal things are some of our generals and admirals doing in their Pentagon offices?
The Pentagon and its phalanx of pharmaceutical companies, oligarchs, and contractors must be ordered by President Trump to immediately end its gain of function experiments in Ukraine, Georgia, Africa, China and anywhere else they may have secretly built high containment laboratories.
Because of DoD’s long history of denying black project access to presidents and Congress, President Trump must issue an appropriate executive order as one of his very top priorities. Before the ink on his signature is dry he should send an army of U.S. Marshalls into the Pentagon to deliver his order to the Secretary of Defense -- and to immediately seize digital and paper files of every black project in the building. The Marshalls should also secure the same files in other office buildings that DoD leases in the Washington Metro area and in other cities that house defense agencies like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Our Republic needs transparency – and quick investigations into the hidden activities of Bill Gates, the Clintons, Big Pharma, Blackwater and the other nests of demonic oligarchs who seek to depopulate and control the world.
If Trump fails to gain the initiative in the Pentagon, we will certainly suffer another man-made“pandemic” and another “safe and effective” vaccine.
Thank you for your kind words and the followup, Anne!
Your colleague is undoubtedly correct. I have always believed that many insubordinate flag officers have concealed more than just biolabs in their matrix of black programs. My Pentagon years are long gone, and most of my colleagues are too. Thank you for reaching out to an honest one.
Your comment about blockchain, smart contracts, and AI is a ray of hope -- of which I was not aware. Bust I am willing to bet you a pound of good coffee that the Pentagon will think of a myriad of ingenious ways to avoid an honest and revelatory audit until the Trump administration is gone. Of course Musk can surely cut to the bone is that regard.
The Deep State can't kill them all. Can they?
Great article.
I sent this to a former colleague, who is knowledgeable in these areas. That individual advised that "The map of Asia and Africa left off some of the biowarfare labs in China of which there are several, most notably the Wuhan BSL-4 (their top lab), as well as other Chinese labs."
I might add that the use of modern technologies like blockchain, smart contracts, and generative AI offer promising tools to help achieve a more efficient, transparent, and responsive government that better serves its citizens while promoting economic growth. The use of these technologies would also help DOD finalize the uncompleted audits for the past seven years and complete timely audits going forward.