We all have a voice, until we don't. They have ways. J6 event:
• Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood, 51, is reported to have died by suicide Jan 11th
• Metro Police Dept officer Jeffry Smith is reported to have died by suicide Jan 15th
• Reports differ on the physical location of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick when he died.
Reported on Aug. 2, 2021, Officer Gunther Hashida, an 18-year veteran on the force, was found dead at his residence . Reported as a suicide. Hashida was assigned to the Emergency Response Team within the Special Operations Division and was dispatched to the Capitol on Jan. 6
Officer Kyle DeFreytag, assigned to the Fifth District, was found deceased on Saturday, July 10th, 2021. The department confirmed DeFreytag, 26, had responded to the riots at the U.S. Capitol and that the cause of his death was suicide.
We had years to do something in this country, to come together, to do SOMEthing. Look around. What's being done? We have done this to ourselves and have no one else to blame.
AFTER Jan 6 happened, tails between the legs and people ran away. It is fine posting videos, writing articles, but that doesn't DO anything. There is NO action. That's my point I keep making to people. I asked a woman, right after the Jan 6th debacle to come with me let's protest. I knew she would say no but I told her "let's carry signs over the bridge, let's start making noise"
"Um, I have a hair appointment, I can't"
We are an aging society with no ooomph. You look at the protests in Spain, France, the Nehterlands and then look here.
No, we have not had years. Justice and judges were, for the most part, captured decades ago. It is a one-way system that keeps us in our place and rewards those in favor. We are to believe the narrative and get on with our lives. Ruby Ridge, Waco . . . injustice has been our norm for quite some time.
Dating back to last century, truckers have been refusing hauls into cities—tolls, traffic, narrow streets, Mad Max crime scenes, etc. but there was no social media to amplify their voices.
This is what J-6 is all about, government placing fear into the hearts of citizens. Or perhaps I should say servants, even slaves. The picture is worth a thousand words, it's going to take millions of little fish to join together to take down the shark of self serving government. The net of entrapment is large.
You are absolutely right. Remember Pastor Martin Niemoller's poem, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist." It ends with, "Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." Niemoller spent the years from 1937 to 1945 in Nazi prisons. The same kind of totalitarians rule America today.
Never again...is now. White Rose Resistance. It seems we are in the new 1933 stage of a purge. Will we allow it to happen again? The weapons are much more sophisticated. A controlled main stream media is the same but the internet, chat GBT, and AI have added a depth to deception that only an anti-Christ understands. Oregon recently instituted their own MDM division, misinformation, disinformation malinformation. Citizens' electronic comms are being monitored to prevent anything against the state narrative to gain wide distribution. We are there.
My trucks are done with NYC. Period. Everyone else I know agrees with me. We don't need to be out there blowing up social media. We just need to stay out of NYC.
In China, workers are protesting their abuse by "lying down". They do as little work possible, quit or take sick leave as often as possible if they have any, show up late, leave early, etc. Anything to slow down the machine. That's what the truckers should do, as it's untraceable by the Stasi. They can also just turn down loads to that area and pick up others to different locales.
Good piece. I am aware the following is a tangential complaint -- it doesn't change anything about what the overall piece is talking about, that is still all great IMHO -- but the following is a detail I take issue with as I think is worth pointing out. This is the problem statement for me:
"Despite his denials, the enforcers of the Deep State made a phone call or left a message under the windscreen wipers of his truck like, “Boycott Boy, you gonna have a bad accident before your haul is over.” Or they made a call to his cell phone like, “If you don’t end this boycott bullshit your family and home will be gone when you get back home.” "
That is not how modern intelligence agencies in wealthy western nations send messages, it might be how they used to and it is certainly how assorted enforcement agencies still do so in poorer and more honest-and-direct-dictatorships in the world, but not the wealthy western nations. If someone leaves an obvious direct message, then there are means of resolution and follow up. If Chicago Ray received such a message, he could show it to family and friends -- post it on tick tock, etc... . It would garner support, people would rally to his cause and defend him. He could then file a police report with it, and even if that came to nothing it would still create problems for those who sent the message -- their messenger would be potentially at risk, and bribes or coercion would need to occur to keep the messenger safe or prevent them from squealing about who he interacts with or works for, etc... . Very messy and honestly counterproductive for those trying to coerce him.
The key is subtlety, personally designed, and no direct message at all (at least not one written in any actual language.) It is a personally tailored message that makes no sense to anyone else and that he can't possibly explain to others without sounding like a totally crazy person. Here are some examples:
1. Using his web-presence: such as videos uploaded (even if they are now deleted, they are all still saved on the NSA data centers forever[1]) phone calls, etc... to find little personal mannerisms. Suddenly he will find wherever he goes random people are making these back to him. Once paranoia about this has been established he will find this only goes away when he "behaves." There is nothing one can do or say about this to others without looking totally insane.
Where do these armies of volunteers come from that allow this targeted and personalized harassment to exist? There is no way all the alphabet agencies have that many people on their payroll! That is the genius, they don't need to. Ever notice how Western society has been factioned into an endless series of pairs of communities that hate each other. Any time you try to stay neutral to certain things you get some form of a "you are with us or against us" ultimatum and start getting ire from one or both sides. All of us are now binned into one or two of these pairs of communities on all our thoughts and actions. This is true even if you yourself don't consider yourself aligned with any community and certainly don't participate in any. As they have been trained for mutual hatred, and many posses at least one or more unhinged individuals, its easy to send a message to one of the unhinged via one such community to "hey wouldn't it be funny if you did <seemingly innocuous thing> to Chicago Ray? I'll pay you $10 bucks it would be sooooo funny" or some sort.
There is an additional useful idiot army available. There are a large number of phone apps that do things like pay you just to walk to certain places[2a] or do certain "silly" things[2b]. These apps are self fronting, its probably something like 99.9% of the time they really are a walk for charity or whatever. The 0.1% of the time they are not is more than enough to create a vast array of innocent useful-idiot volunteers all over the nation (or beyond) to go places and do little on-their-own and individually innocuous things. There is no reason for any of them to think about these activities at all because 99.9% of the time it is some silly little innocuous thing for charity or whatever and there is no possible way they could sus out that 0.1% of the time it is not as they all look the same.
The beauty of these armies of useful idiots is they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. If their target snaps from the personally targeted harassment, they are indeed totally innocent of the bigger picture of what is going on. They don't realize they are doing a task for "the man" they may not even like or even actively hate "the man." Those loan gunman shooters and the like who were pushed over the edge and kill specific people that don't seem to make any sense? Well, they probably did get a repeat (but innocent) useful idiot or two in the process, but no agents ever get harmed. There is a whole thick barrier of innocent useful idiots between the target and any actual agents thus providing safety and unlimited plausible deniability for the powers that be.
2. Start by establishing forgetfulness -- something unimportant but personally attached to him will go missing from a place really only he can be certain he "always puts it and would never loose it there." He can insist to others that he "always puts it there and would never loose it there" and the second he gets a few people to believe him, suddenly it will reappear somewhere else in his life that seems normal to others but he knows he would never put it there. Now it is established in the minds of those he would talk to about such things that he is just forgetful and the things that he "would never loose" in places that he "always puts there" -- he can and does loose and must not always put there.
With this established, next time he misbehaves suddenly something like his credit card -- whatever he makes the most common and most base useful purchases (say: food for example) with -- will go missing from his wallet. When he tells others it was stolen they will be less reluctant to believe him especially as no purchases will ever be made on it. He will try to login online either through the website or his phone app or both and will find they don't work for various inexplicable but look-like-perfectly-ordinary-yet-frusterating technical issues that do indeed occur all the time. He will call his bank or whatever and spend two hours on hold to get technical help only finding his phone call hangs-up (from his end apparently) any time he starts getting anywhere and he has to start the whole process again multiple times.
Even if and when he gets the technical issues sorted he will have trouble logging in or otherwise getting a new card sent-- the personal information will all be shuffled in a way that looks believable but ruins his ability to get a card, a password change or login in properly given his issues. Example: his account address will be changed to an old address of his that he has never used with this account before, but no one else knows that, to anyone else it will sound like he just screwed up and selected an old address from an array of choices. Its enough to screw things up for him -- he needed to know what address was on file to get a new card and while he is intimately familiar with that address he knows it was never on file -- but looks totally normal to anyone he might talk to especially those familiar with him enough to have known about the old address. If he tries to figure out who changed that personal info in his account, he will find it occurred from a login that had credentials matching to his own phone or computer -- the fact that the address change occurred while he was locked out of his account is not something others will take seriously. Trust me, no one believes you when that happens to you, and the more you plead with even close friends and family about it the crazier you look to them and the more distant these people get from you as a result.
Then when the card is in the mail, he is going to find his mail box is open and obviously rummaged with every single day – nothing ever missing though. The card will actually show up and be there, the point is fear of the event is even worse than the event itself and can happen every day for a week or so while the event expected only happens once. If they actually want to cut you off from your finances instead of just try to beat you with the fear of it, they will just go through proper channels, wether private,[3a] or public[3b] to do it officially and directly.
There are an army of other little things too. The key is subtlety, personalization of message conveyance, and lack of believably or meaning to others.
Either way I like the rest of your article, its just that detail I have an issue with. Whatever message Chicago Ray has been sent, he will not talk about it because it will only make sense to him and will seem like gibbering madness to the rest of the world, even those close to him.
Back when the Freedom Convoy, I asked a relative of mine who lives in Toronto what the hell all that was about. Because I couldn't possibly believe it was just about vaccine mandates. We all know media distorts and lies, so I assumed that truckers had a number of valid gripes about trucking, and media was just reporting on the vaccine mandate stuff, because it was convenient to the Red Team to report it that way.
The answers of my relative were strange, because mostly they didn't connect with reality. He said that it was Trump supporters worried about being unemployed (WTF? Truckers, by definition, aren't unemployed), and about their jobs being lost to automation. It's true that people have been talking about self-driving trucks, but nobody reported that the protest was about self-driving trucks. I asked him if he had gone to check what they were protesting about. He hadn't, and didn't want to.
Now, this sounds about the truckers being pissed off about it being too hard to get loads to NYC, which I understand. And then, things get stuck to it about Trump's lawsuits. WTF, truckers? What do the lawsuits of that guy got to do with your lives? Who is sticking things to your lives, people?
I was the very first person to come and say that nothing will come of this. I wrote that man back, Ray(?) and also told him nothing would come of it. When he mentioned "no one got to him" I went back to his original feed, couldn't find it and then apparently he posted that he had removed it? Oh..odd.
He mentions his grandson having seen the video on TikTok. So?
I will tell you what I tell every single solitary person here in America:
Ain't happening
Nothing will happen
We aren't Spain nor Holland, you don't see Americans out protesting, driving tractors, etc We are sheeple, sheepdogs, NOT wolves, like I keep hearing so many people claim.
Do we all realize that Trump has put EVERYTHING he owns on the line for US? His family has gone through hell because of these left wing thugs! They are thugs, low rent scumbags, corrupt filth and yes, they are deliberately running this country into the ground....UNLESS WE STOP THEM THROUGH ACTIONS LIKE THE TRUCKERS DELIVERY BOYCOTT! We have to push back, this is a good start, but remember, it will get nasty, dirty & some will suffer! It is who & what those fuckers are...& this is why they MUST BE STOOPED!
Spot on. If you have to say, "No one got to me" you can bet that someone got to you.
Everyone has a price.
It's sometimes life or death.
How true that is, Shelley!
Too often, I'm afraid.
We all have a voice, until we don't. They have ways. J6 event:
• Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood, 51, is reported to have died by suicide Jan 11th
• Metro Police Dept officer Jeffry Smith is reported to have died by suicide Jan 15th
• Reports differ on the physical location of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick when he died.
Reported on Aug. 2, 2021, Officer Gunther Hashida, an 18-year veteran on the force, was found dead at his residence . Reported as a suicide. Hashida was assigned to the Emergency Response Team within the Special Operations Division and was dispatched to the Capitol on Jan. 6
Officer Kyle DeFreytag, assigned to the Fifth District, was found deceased on Saturday, July 10th, 2021. The department confirmed DeFreytag, 26, had responded to the riots at the U.S. Capitol and that the cause of his death was suicide.
We had years to do something in this country, to come together, to do SOMEthing. Look around. What's being done? We have done this to ourselves and have no one else to blame.
AFTER Jan 6 happened, tails between the legs and people ran away. It is fine posting videos, writing articles, but that doesn't DO anything. There is NO action. That's my point I keep making to people. I asked a woman, right after the Jan 6th debacle to come with me let's protest. I knew she would say no but I told her "let's carry signs over the bridge, let's start making noise"
"Um, I have a hair appointment, I can't"
We are an aging society with no ooomph. You look at the protests in Spain, France, the Nehterlands and then look here.
No, we have not had years. Justice and judges were, for the most part, captured decades ago. It is a one-way system that keeps us in our place and rewards those in favor. We are to believe the narrative and get on with our lives. Ruby Ridge, Waco . . . injustice has been our norm for quite some time.
Dating back to last century, truckers have been refusing hauls into cities—tolls, traffic, narrow streets, Mad Max crime scenes, etc. but there was no social media to amplify their voices.
Truth Telling is So Refreshing and Biblical. Keep preaching it Chet!!!
This is what J-6 is all about, government placing fear into the hearts of citizens. Or perhaps I should say servants, even slaves. The picture is worth a thousand words, it's going to take millions of little fish to join together to take down the shark of self serving government. The net of entrapment is large.
You are absolutely right. Remember Pastor Martin Niemoller's poem, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist." It ends with, "Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." Niemoller spent the years from 1937 to 1945 in Nazi prisons. The same kind of totalitarians rule America today.
Never again...is now. White Rose Resistance. It seems we are in the new 1933 stage of a purge. Will we allow it to happen again? The weapons are much more sophisticated. A controlled main stream media is the same but the internet, chat GBT, and AI have added a depth to deception that only an anti-Christ understands. Oregon recently instituted their own MDM division, misinformation, disinformation malinformation. Citizens' electronic comms are being monitored to prevent anything against the state narrative to gain wide distribution. We are there.
My trucks are done with NYC. Period. Everyone else I know agrees with me. We don't need to be out there blowing up social media. We just need to stay out of NYC.
Stand strong Webb.
In China, workers are protesting their abuse by "lying down". They do as little work possible, quit or take sick leave as often as possible if they have any, show up late, leave early, etc. Anything to slow down the machine. That's what the truckers should do, as it's untraceable by the Stasi. They can also just turn down loads to that area and pick up others to different locales.
Danny Huckabee
Translation: The Deep State finds this strategy to be highly effective and is willing to threaten Ray to stop truckers from doing it.
Good piece. I am aware the following is a tangential complaint -- it doesn't change anything about what the overall piece is talking about, that is still all great IMHO -- but the following is a detail I take issue with as I think is worth pointing out. This is the problem statement for me:
"Despite his denials, the enforcers of the Deep State made a phone call or left a message under the windscreen wipers of his truck like, “Boycott Boy, you gonna have a bad accident before your haul is over.” Or they made a call to his cell phone like, “If you don’t end this boycott bullshit your family and home will be gone when you get back home.” "
That is not how modern intelligence agencies in wealthy western nations send messages, it might be how they used to and it is certainly how assorted enforcement agencies still do so in poorer and more honest-and-direct-dictatorships in the world, but not the wealthy western nations. If someone leaves an obvious direct message, then there are means of resolution and follow up. If Chicago Ray received such a message, he could show it to family and friends -- post it on tick tock, etc... . It would garner support, people would rally to his cause and defend him. He could then file a police report with it, and even if that came to nothing it would still create problems for those who sent the message -- their messenger would be potentially at risk, and bribes or coercion would need to occur to keep the messenger safe or prevent them from squealing about who he interacts with or works for, etc... . Very messy and honestly counterproductive for those trying to coerce him.
The key is subtlety, personally designed, and no direct message at all (at least not one written in any actual language.) It is a personally tailored message that makes no sense to anyone else and that he can't possibly explain to others without sounding like a totally crazy person. Here are some examples:
1. Using his web-presence: such as videos uploaded (even if they are now deleted, they are all still saved on the NSA data centers forever[1]) phone calls, etc... to find little personal mannerisms. Suddenly he will find wherever he goes random people are making these back to him. Once paranoia about this has been established he will find this only goes away when he "behaves." There is nothing one can do or say about this to others without looking totally insane.
Where do these armies of volunteers come from that allow this targeted and personalized harassment to exist? There is no way all the alphabet agencies have that many people on their payroll! That is the genius, they don't need to. Ever notice how Western society has been factioned into an endless series of pairs of communities that hate each other. Any time you try to stay neutral to certain things you get some form of a "you are with us or against us" ultimatum and start getting ire from one or both sides. All of us are now binned into one or two of these pairs of communities on all our thoughts and actions. This is true even if you yourself don't consider yourself aligned with any community and certainly don't participate in any. As they have been trained for mutual hatred, and many posses at least one or more unhinged individuals, its easy to send a message to one of the unhinged via one such community to "hey wouldn't it be funny if you did <seemingly innocuous thing> to Chicago Ray? I'll pay you $10 bucks it would be sooooo funny" or some sort.
There is an additional useful idiot army available. There are a large number of phone apps that do things like pay you just to walk to certain places[2a] or do certain "silly" things[2b]. These apps are self fronting, its probably something like 99.9% of the time they really are a walk for charity or whatever. The 0.1% of the time they are not is more than enough to create a vast array of innocent useful-idiot volunteers all over the nation (or beyond) to go places and do little on-their-own and individually innocuous things. There is no reason for any of them to think about these activities at all because 99.9% of the time it is some silly little innocuous thing for charity or whatever and there is no possible way they could sus out that 0.1% of the time it is not as they all look the same.
The beauty of these armies of useful idiots is they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. If their target snaps from the personally targeted harassment, they are indeed totally innocent of the bigger picture of what is going on. They don't realize they are doing a task for "the man" they may not even like or even actively hate "the man." Those loan gunman shooters and the like who were pushed over the edge and kill specific people that don't seem to make any sense? Well, they probably did get a repeat (but innocent) useful idiot or two in the process, but no agents ever get harmed. There is a whole thick barrier of innocent useful idiots between the target and any actual agents thus providing safety and unlimited plausible deniability for the powers that be.
2. Start by establishing forgetfulness -- something unimportant but personally attached to him will go missing from a place really only he can be certain he "always puts it and would never loose it there." He can insist to others that he "always puts it there and would never loose it there" and the second he gets a few people to believe him, suddenly it will reappear somewhere else in his life that seems normal to others but he knows he would never put it there. Now it is established in the minds of those he would talk to about such things that he is just forgetful and the things that he "would never loose" in places that he "always puts there" -- he can and does loose and must not always put there.
With this established, next time he misbehaves suddenly something like his credit card -- whatever he makes the most common and most base useful purchases (say: food for example) with -- will go missing from his wallet. When he tells others it was stolen they will be less reluctant to believe him especially as no purchases will ever be made on it. He will try to login online either through the website or his phone app or both and will find they don't work for various inexplicable but look-like-perfectly-ordinary-yet-frusterating technical issues that do indeed occur all the time. He will call his bank or whatever and spend two hours on hold to get technical help only finding his phone call hangs-up (from his end apparently) any time he starts getting anywhere and he has to start the whole process again multiple times.
Even if and when he gets the technical issues sorted he will have trouble logging in or otherwise getting a new card sent-- the personal information will all be shuffled in a way that looks believable but ruins his ability to get a card, a password change or login in properly given his issues. Example: his account address will be changed to an old address of his that he has never used with this account before, but no one else knows that, to anyone else it will sound like he just screwed up and selected an old address from an array of choices. Its enough to screw things up for him -- he needed to know what address was on file to get a new card and while he is intimately familiar with that address he knows it was never on file -- but looks totally normal to anyone he might talk to especially those familiar with him enough to have known about the old address. If he tries to figure out who changed that personal info in his account, he will find it occurred from a login that had credentials matching to his own phone or computer -- the fact that the address change occurred while he was locked out of his account is not something others will take seriously. Trust me, no one believes you when that happens to you, and the more you plead with even close friends and family about it the crazier you look to them and the more distant these people get from you as a result.
Then when the card is in the mail, he is going to find his mail box is open and obviously rummaged with every single day – nothing ever missing though. The card will actually show up and be there, the point is fear of the event is even worse than the event itself and can happen every day for a week or so while the event expected only happens once. If they actually want to cut you off from your finances instead of just try to beat you with the fear of it, they will just go through proper channels, wether private,[3a] or public[3b] to do it officially and directly.
There are an army of other little things too. The key is subtlety, personalization of message conveyance, and lack of believably or meaning to others.
Either way I like the rest of your article, its just that detail I have an issue with. Whatever message Chicago Ray has been sent, he will not talk about it because it will only make sense to him and will seem like gibbering madness to the rest of the world, even those close to him.
[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/6r6an/the_nsa_records_all_traffic_on_the_internet/
[2a]: https://www.verywellfit.com/walking-apps-that-earn-rewards-3434997
[2b]: https://selfmadesuccess.com/money-making-apps-weird/
[3a]: https://news.yahoo.com/gofundme-freezes-5-million-raised-165920941.html
[3b]: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-22/convoy-leader-denied-bail-as-canadian-officials-warn-of-unrest
Very interesting, Nanthew, and it makes sense (except if the enforcer is in a hurry). Looks like you are a tradecraft expert!
"Looks like you are a tradecraft expert!"
No I have just been on the receiving end for a long enough time to start figuring out how it works.
I have some questions for truckers.
Back when the Freedom Convoy, I asked a relative of mine who lives in Toronto what the hell all that was about. Because I couldn't possibly believe it was just about vaccine mandates. We all know media distorts and lies, so I assumed that truckers had a number of valid gripes about trucking, and media was just reporting on the vaccine mandate stuff, because it was convenient to the Red Team to report it that way.
The answers of my relative were strange, because mostly they didn't connect with reality. He said that it was Trump supporters worried about being unemployed (WTF? Truckers, by definition, aren't unemployed), and about their jobs being lost to automation. It's true that people have been talking about self-driving trucks, but nobody reported that the protest was about self-driving trucks. I asked him if he had gone to check what they were protesting about. He hadn't, and didn't want to.
Now, this sounds about the truckers being pissed off about it being too hard to get loads to NYC, which I understand. And then, things get stuck to it about Trump's lawsuits. WTF, truckers? What do the lawsuits of that guy got to do with your lives? Who is sticking things to your lives, people?
I was the very first person to come and say that nothing will come of this. I wrote that man back, Ray(?) and also told him nothing would come of it. When he mentioned "no one got to him" I went back to his original feed, couldn't find it and then apparently he posted that he had removed it? Oh..odd.
He mentions his grandson having seen the video on TikTok. So?
I will tell you what I tell every single solitary person here in America:
Ain't happening
Nothing will happen
We aren't Spain nor Holland, you don't see Americans out protesting, driving tractors, etc We are sheeple, sheepdogs, NOT wolves, like I keep hearing so many people claim.
"You just wait, we're gonna, .... we're gonna..."
You're gonna do what exactly?
We DESERVE what is happening to us. Period.
Do we all realize that Trump has put EVERYTHING he owns on the line for US? His family has gone through hell because of these left wing thugs! They are thugs, low rent scumbags, corrupt filth and yes, they are deliberately running this country into the ground....UNLESS WE STOP THEM THROUGH ACTIONS LIKE THE TRUCKERS DELIVERY BOYCOTT! We have to push back, this is a good start, but remember, it will get nasty, dirty & some will suffer! It is who & what those fuckers are...& this is why they MUST BE STOOPED!
There is a imposter pretending to be Ray
There is a imposter pretending to be Ray at chcga1ray. He needs to be reported
I don't know how to do that, or I surely would.