America must become more aware Obama's continued assault on our core values through his network of operatives and their clandestine methods. I certainly hope that Trump wins as predicted, and the incoming administration addresses this issue whole heartedly.

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You are absolutely correct! Trump must stop the divisive tactics Obama uses -- we are AMERICANS. Except for the illegal aliens, of course. The deranged Democrats want to give them the right to vote!

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I remember a video on Youtube where they went to select college campuses, waving either American flags or ISIS flags. Turns out, the American flags got more backlash than the terrorist ones :/

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College kids are not getting the education of yesteryear. The good news is that many of them know it, so to avoid a huge debt for and education that provides them with no income they are turning to schools that teach job skills, like welding. They are an important part of America's future. And they know what the American flag means.

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Jul 17Liked by Chet Nagle

We are a Judeo-Christian nation. Founded, established and guided by the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob. The principles of the Ten Commandments are the bedrock of our laws. Turning our back on God will lead us into a diaspora, plenty of examples throughout history to validate that fact.

Muslims are the original slave traders and they will gleefully trade Caucasians the same as Negros, and keep the best examples for themselves. The ignorance of the left is astounding to me. Without a call to God and full repentance we will be a footnote in world history. Very soon. Flags with eight pointed stars is quiet allegiance to a foreign god, violation of the first law on the tablets.

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America is in so much trouble! There are forces infiltrating our governments, local state, national, looking to “fundamentally change America”, thanks Obama/Biden! Wake up America. Stand with President Donald Trump!

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